How to does the Pump Now Pay LaterTM Program - Ontario Omnipod Edition work?
Once approved, Diabetes ExpressTM will automatically ship three boxes of pods, with an invoice, to the address of your choice. On the 80th day after your shipment, the next shipment of three boxes of pods will be sent out again. The balance of $870 or ( 3 boxes of pods) from your first shipment will be automatically billed to your credit card on the 90th day from your first order. You can expect four auto shipments per year. Please see PDF detailed instructions here.
Can I add other items to my subscription of Pods?
Yes! We can customize the shipment to include all your other supplies including insulin, test strips, accessories and more. Just ask.
Do I need to call or order online to get my subscription sent?
No! Subscriptions will be automatically shipped and billed according to the schedule attached. Please see PDF detailed instructions here.
Program pre-requisites
To be accepted into the program, Diabetes ExpressTM will be required to bill a deposit fee of $1.00 ( one dollar ). The card used for the deposit will also be used to automatically bill full amount owing on the 90th calendar day after your shipment. Your account with Diabetes ExpressTM at the time of the application will need to be in good standing and also be cleared of any outstanding balances prior to acceptance. We accept the following methods of payment: Visa, VisaDebit, Mastercard, MastercardDebit and American Express.
Pre-paid credit cards are not accepted.
How to Apply? To apply for the Pump Now Pay Later ProgramTM you can :
- Call Diabetes ExpressTM at 1-866-418-3392 ( Monday – Friday from 8:30am EST – 7:00pm EST) and ask to be placed on the Pump Now Pay Later ProgramTM – Ontario Omnipod Edition.
- Go online to self-register: